Thursday, January 13, 2011

An Ode to Size 0 Jeans

Body: I have given away all the size 0 jeans I owned from my high school days. (moment of silence please) As I packed them away it was as if I was saying goodbye to my Saved by the Bell days, goodbye to carefree irresponsibility, goodbye to proms and homecomings, and goodbye to size 0. I would say que the music but no one artistically acknowledges these times in your life. I think that may be the most frustrating thing of it all is that I feel I can not adequately express my grief through song for my size 0 jeans. So if you are still frolicking in your size 0 jeans and want to add more to your collection head down to Goodwill and mine will meet you there.
Mind: Peace. Be still and KNOW I am God. I tend to miss the know, because when you are still your mind is still going, making lists, thinking about where you have to be that evening, or where you'll be in the next weeks/months/years, or how you're going to better your financial future. All this going on while yet being still. To KNOW that He is God silences the constant voices battling for your attention, daring you to stress out and quit before even trying. Think about truly knowing that God is God.... your blood pressure just went down. Practice it at least once a week. If you are stressed to the point your hair is falling out and you bite your nails, if you eat your emotions or have random outbursts at innocent bystanders, you may want to do this once a day twice if you can. I feel like this is God's prescription for our lives, take 2 doses and see Him in the morning.
Spirit:  I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene.

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