Physical: Today I walked by a store, the last time I was in that store was when I was purchasing my Senior Prom Dress! How crazy long ago that was! It did take me back though to the fond memories of searching for that one dress that made you feel like such a hottie..... even if looking back you thought you were way hotter than you remember being today. (wink) I loved my senior prom dress, it was the perfect color, cut, and vintage style for the old soul that I am! I felt like Doris Day in "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" or Judy Garland in "Meet Me in St.Louis" singing about the boy next door. I have a confession I sometimes do try it on just to make sure that it still fits so when the golden opportunity arrives to pull it back out and I can rock it again! I think with each sentence I write I am losing more and more fashion credibility!
Mental: Have you ever looked at a past week or day and thought, "What in the world have I done to impact the world?" That was this past week, we had missions week on Sunday and I was reminded of my real passion... missions! I love helping people especially across the globe! I love finding a need and putting the right people in place to fulfill the needs of people! What a rush, to recognize a need and fill it, there are so many great examples of companies and ministries who have stepped in and helped, Compassion International, TOMS Shoes, Wold Hope, TWLOHA, the Invisible Children, and so many more! Tomorrow I am going to do something to impact my world, whether it be to make someone smile, to show someone love, or to support someone with a need, I will be open to what God has for me and I will fulfill it. (only by his grace and revelation of coarse!)
Spiritual: A huge thanks goes out to Kay Arthur for allowing the Christian community to finally think for themselves! If scripture is truly alive and sharper than a two edged sword then why do we run to the commentaries (opinions) of people rather than seeking out our own conclusions? Commentaries can be a good thing if they are used correctly, we are so quick to run to them to find our conclusion rather than to seek it out ourselves, the same way we base our spiritual knowledge and relationship with God solely on our pastor and his staff. Rise up Christian and think! Revelation is yours for the taking claim the Holy Spirit as your guide and study the scriptures, this is not a Jane Austin novel that is merely for entertainment, it is a life map to study and be studied over and over again, to sharpen your senses and draw you closer to the mind of the very Creator of the Universe! (please be just as impressed as I am with that)
~ Blessings ~
Girl -- that's why we click so well... we are both old souls who LOVE God's Word!